Today the followers of the most compassionate religious leader have a special duty to work for the establishment of peace in the world and to show an example to other by following their master’s advice.
The Buddha said that “All tremble at punishment, all fear death; comparing others with oneself, one should neither kill nor cause to kill. (Dhammapada 129)
Peace is always obtainable. But the way to peace is not only through prayers and rituals. Peace is the result of man’s harmony with his fellow beings and with his environment. The peace that we try to introduce by force is not a lasting peace. It is an interval in between the conflict of selfish desire and worldly conditions.
Peace cannot exist on this earth without the practice of tolerance. To be tolerant, we must not allow anger and jealousy to prevail in our mind. The Buddha says, “No enemy can harm one so much as one’s own thoughts of craving, hate and jealousy. (Dhammapada 42)
Spreading Loving-kindness to all living beings
ahang avero homi, May I be free from enmity.
ahang abya paccho homi, May I be free from ill treatment.
ahang anigho homi, May I be free from troubles.
ahang nitukkho homi, May I be free from suffering.
ahang sukhi attanang pariharami, May I protect my own happiness.
ahang sukhito homi, May I be happy.
sabbe satta, avera hontu,
May all beings be free from enmity.
sabbe satta, abyapaccha hontu,
May all beings be free from ill treatment.
sabbe satta, anigha hontu,
May all beings be free from troubles.
sabbe satta, dukkha pamuccantu,
May all beings be free from suffering.
sabbe satta, sukhi attanang pariharantu,
May all beings protect their own happiness.
sabbe satta, sukhita hontu,
May all beings be happy.